Thursday, February 14, 2008

Booger Lickin' Good

This V-day I got really teary eyed, but not because I was depressed because I was single. I cried because someone totally ate it when climbing up the movie stairs (sad but hilarious), Kate and I did the most hilarious exchange of candy I have ever experienced (thanks for making it happen Kate!), I kept replaying the person who fell on the stairs (which made it more hilarious), and the movie Definitely, Maybe had some emotional moments that i couldnt stop my eyes from reacting to.

I don’t know. This V-day has been the best V-day ever! Normally my family doesn’t do anything on Valentine’s Day…But this year my mom went all out to the point where she struck a break-your-lent-for-today-deal-but-then-promise-to-give-something-else-up-for-only-a-week (being candy) in order to let me eat these yummy pieces of love:

Yup, my dads famous carrot cake ooohhh yea!

She also made these corny but cute creation:

Yea you looked right, heart shaped beef patties bitches, what now lol!

AND she decorated our dining table all cutesy like for today:

Those were the roses my daddy got my mama for today, arent they puuurrrttyyy?!
But yea my mom pretty much hooked it up for us this year, which im glad because we NEVER really do anything for this holiday EVER. lol i like this change, especially when it involves my parents breaking and becoming weak with their lent promises, muhahahaha Valentine's day is totally the devils day for me now, since it broke my hardcore catholic parents!
But yea i had a great din din and had mucho fun with kate, and the movie was sooo cute! Total chick flick! lol after the movie i made this little panda duck thing out of perler beads for kate at her house which i must say came out pretty cute! So yea this day rocked and proved that you dont have to be all romantic today in order to have a fuck-tastic day! lol hope you guys had an awesome V-day too! Like hugs and like kisses okay?! lol


mo said...

suuuuuussssy Q.
Hey susy. Found me huh. Yea ive had this thing for a while now. Now you peeps are catching up. Saaaawweeet. Anyway. I think I would call you Wind. because those farts you laid in class definitely knocked me down!!!!
Just kidding.

susy said...

hahaha gee thanks moe!! lol just ask me and ill blow u away anytime! lol